Monday, September 30, 2019

Prejudice and Discrimination

Prejudice: The dictionary defines prejudice as an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. This means that a person may form an opinion on a person or a particular group of people without having any facts or knowledge about that person or group. Prejudice is normally perceived as being bad but there are some instances where prejudice is an aid to survival for example if you see several scruffy men parked in a van in a dark alley, you will form a pre judgment that they must be up to no good so you choose to not walk down the alley. They could simply be movers, but healthy prejudice tells you not to take the chance. Discrimination Direct discrimination is defined as treating one particular group of people less favourably than others because of their race, colour, nationality, or ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. There is also positive discrimination in which an individual is allowed to advance themselves because of their gender, race, sexually orientation, age etc. Example if an Asian person is hired simply because they are Asian due to the stereotype that Asians are smart and good students that’s a positive discrimination. Indirect discrimination is defined as an apparently neutral specification, criteria or practice that would disadvantage people on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation unless the practice can be objectively justified. For example a department store prohibits its employees from wearing hats when serving customers. This rule means that people whose religious beliefs require them to cover their heads, such as Muslim women, are discriminated against and cannot carry out their job. The store is indirectly discriminating against this group of people unless it can demonstrate that there is valid reason. Stereotyping Stereotyping is a generalisation of people, which is usually negative, untrue, and unjustifiable. The term labelling is used when we take look at a person and place a label on them and then place them in a category for example we could label someone gay because they seem camp even though they may not be gay. People stereotype as it helps people to deal with individuals who are different from themselves. It makes people feel safe and in their own mind stereotypes allow them to justify their actions towards people. Stereotypes can become self-fulfilling prophecies if the stereotype is re-enforced enough. For example, girls maybe stereotyped as failing more math’s exams than boys this will lead to girls failing to try in exams, as they believe that they are expected to fail. Scapegoating Scapegoating is the practice of singling out an individual or group for unmerited negative treatment or blame. The word â€Å"scapegoat† actually originates from Leviticus 16 in the bible. A goat had all the sins of man placed upon it and it was sent into the wilderness to perish. An example of scapegoating is the Salem Witch Trials. Women were used as scapegoats when the crops were bad or there was a famine and then tried as witches. This was especially the case with midwives, as they would be accused of being in league with Satan if the baby died during birth, which happened frequently due to poor standards of hygiene etc. Part Two Case Study 1 During the first part of the 20th century, deaf people were directly discriminated against due to them being labeled as deaf and dumb. They were prevented from entering mainstream education and were not considered for any high paying jobs. Most deaf children were sent away to deaf schools and some were sent to asylums, even though they were not mentally ill. However, by sending a sane child to an asylum the stereotype of deaf children being mentally ill became a self-fulfilling prophecy as most the children within the asylum did eventually develop some sort of mental illness to help them cope with their surroundings. Children and adults were not separated in asylums and most of the children were sexually abused or witness to sexual acts from a very young age. Society was not kind to deaf children, there was no compassion or understanding and most children did not realize they were deaf because no one took the time to explain to them. Families felt embarrassed and ashamed of their deaf offspring, some families even decided not to have any more children for fear that they too would be deaf. Deaf men were also discriminated against during the First World War as they were deemed unfit for service, however, deaf soldiers would have had a distinct advantage over the soldiers who could hear as they would not get shellshock or distracted as easily by the surrounding noises. Some doctors believed that deafness was cause by a blockage in the ear and others believed it to be a brain dysfunction either way deaf people in asylums were subjected to horrific procedures such as needles being pushed into their eardrums and lobotomies. Deaf children often became strangers within their own families and were often rejected and abandoned this led to low self worth and extreme depression in some cases. As deaf children had no knowledge of language, as it was rarely taught in deaf schools, they developed their own ‘sign language’, which differed from school to school. This sign language was not universal and was normally only understood by the children at that particular school. Sexual predators also targeted many deaf people, as they were easy targets due to being sexually ignorant. Some countries saw being deaf as a disease that could be eradicated through means such as selective breeding, deaf girls were systematically sterilised and deaf marriage was not allowed. This made the deaf community feel as if they were outcasts and it denied them their rights to have a normal social or sexual relationship with another individual. However, refuge from the cruel world of the hearing was soon found in what were called ‘Deaf Clubs’. By 1930, every town had its own deaf club, which hosted regular events and outings for the deaf community. These clubs were normally overseen by powerful clergymen and were charities run by hearing people. While the deaf community saw deaf clubs as a lifeline, they also sought to reinforce the segregation of deaf people from the rest of the world. Silent movies were a place where deaf and hearing could share a common love for theatre, deaf people were made to feel like part of society. However, exclusion would soon become part of the deaf community again with the invention of telephones, radios and televisions. Today there are many acts in place to help deaf people live normal, fulfilling lives within their communities without fear of being ridiculed or committed. 1 Case Study 2 Many men are afraid to tell friends and family that they want to enter nursing as it leads to them being stereotyped as gay because nursing is seen primarily as a female profession. In June 2006, Andrew Moyhing won a landmark case against the NHS for sex discrimination. Mr Moyhing, 29 said, â€Å"I abandoned nursing because I was not allowed to do the job properly in a female-dominated profession. † 2 The NHS hospital that Mr Moyhing worked for as a student nurse refused to let him perform intimate medical procedures on women unless accompanied by a female chaperone. An article on nursingtimes. net states that currently male nurses only make up 11% of the female dominated sector and are four times more likely to be sanctioned or face discrimination by the NMC. Chaperone policies are in place in many NHS hospitals but they only relate to male nurses, a female nurse does not require a male chaperone to carry out an intimate procedure on a male patient but a male nurse requires a female chaperone. London NHS Trust did admit that the difference in treatment between male and female nurses was direct discrimination. Mr Moyhing claimed he felt he was being regarded as untrustworthy and a potential abuser of females or that the patient was likely to lie and make false accusations. Jenny Watson, chair of the EOC, said, â€Å"The Employment Appeal Tribunal was right to find that it was not acceptable to have a chaperoning policy based on lazy stereotyping about the risks to patients and assumptions that all men are sexual predators. † 4 The EOC said its research showed that one in four schoolboys were interested in caring work but only one in ten nurses were male. 5 Many organisations and websites are now appearing to offer a support system to male nurses whom maybe facing discrimination from their female work colleagues or bosses. Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice: The dictionary defines prejudice as an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. This means that a person may form an opinion on a person or a particular group of people without having any facts or knowledge about that person or group. Prejudice is normally perceived as being bad but there are some instances where prejudice is an aid to survival for example if you see several scruffy men parked in a van in a dark alley, you will form a pre judgment that they must be up to no good so you choose to not walk down the alley. They could simply be movers, but healthy prejudice tells you not to take the chance. Discrimination Direct discrimination is defined as treating one particular group of people less favourably than others because of their race, colour, nationality, or ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. There is also positive discrimination in which an individual is allowed to advance themselves because of their gender, race, sexually orientation, age etc. Example if an Asian person is hired simply because they are Asian due to the stereotype that Asians are smart and good students that’s a positive discrimination. Indirect discrimination is defined as an apparently neutral specification, criteria or practice that would disadvantage people on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation unless the practice can be objectively justified. For example a department store prohibits its employees from wearing hats when serving customers. This rule means that people whose religious beliefs require them to cover their heads, such as Muslim women, are discriminated against and cannot carry out their job. The store is indirectly discriminating against this group of people unless it can demonstrate that there is valid reason. Stereotyping Stereotyping is a generalisation of people, which is usually negative, untrue, and unjustifiable. The term labelling is used when we take look at a person and place a label on them and then place them in a category for example we could label someone gay because they seem camp even though they may not be gay. People stereotype as it helps people to deal with individuals who are different from themselves. It makes people feel safe and in their own mind stereotypes allow them to justify their actions towards people. Stereotypes can become self-fulfilling prophecies if the stereotype is re-enforced enough. For example, girls maybe stereotyped as failing more math’s exams than boys this will lead to girls failing to try in exams, as they believe that they are expected to fail. Scapegoating Scapegoating is the practice of singling out an individual or group for unmerited negative treatment or blame. The word â€Å"scapegoat† actually originates from Leviticus 16 in the bible. A goat had all the sins of man placed upon it and it was sent into the wilderness to perish. An example of scapegoating is the Salem Witch Trials. Women were used as scapegoats when the crops were bad or there was a famine and then tried as witches. This was especially the case with midwives, as they would be accused of being in league with Satan if the baby died during birth, which happened frequently due to poor standards of hygiene etc. Part Two Case Study 1 During the first part of the 20th century, deaf people were directly discriminated against due to them being labeled as deaf and dumb. They were prevented from entering mainstream education and were not considered for any high paying jobs. Most deaf children were sent away to deaf schools and some were sent to asylums, even though they were not mentally ill. However, by sending a sane child to an asylum the stereotype of deaf children being mentally ill became a self-fulfilling prophecy as most the children within the asylum did eventually develop some sort of mental illness to help them cope with their surroundings. Children and adults were not separated in asylums and most of the children were sexually abused or witness to sexual acts from a very young age. Society was not kind to deaf children, there was no compassion or understanding and most children did not realize they were deaf because no one took the time to explain to them. Families felt embarrassed and ashamed of their deaf offspring, some families even decided not to have any more children for fear that they too would be deaf. Deaf men were also discriminated against during the First World War as they were deemed unfit for service, however, deaf soldiers would have had a distinct advantage over the soldiers who could hear as they would not get shellshock or distracted as easily by the surrounding noises. Some doctors believed that deafness was cause by a blockage in the ear and others believed it to be a brain dysfunction either way deaf people in asylums were subjected to horrific procedures such as needles being pushed into their eardrums and lobotomies. Deaf children often became strangers within their own families and were often rejected and abandoned this led to low self worth and extreme depression in some cases. As deaf children had no knowledge of language, as it was rarely taught in deaf schools, they developed their own ‘sign language’, which differed from school to school. This sign language was not universal and was normally only understood by the children at that particular school. Sexual predators also targeted many deaf people, as they were easy targets due to being sexually ignorant. Some countries saw being deaf as a disease that could be eradicated through means such as selective breeding, deaf girls were systematically sterilised and deaf marriage was not allowed. This made the deaf community feel as if they were outcasts and it denied them their rights to have a normal social or sexual relationship with another individual. However, refuge from the cruel world of the hearing was soon found in what were called ‘Deaf Clubs’. By 1930, every town had its own deaf club, which hosted regular events and outings for the deaf community. These clubs were normally overseen by powerful clergymen and were charities run by hearing people. While the deaf community saw deaf clubs as a lifeline, they also sought to reinforce the segregation of deaf people from the rest of the world. Silent movies were a place where deaf and hearing could share a common love for theatre, deaf people were made to feel like part of society. However, exclusion would soon become part of the deaf community again with the invention of telephones, radios and televisions. Today there are many acts in place to help deaf people live normal, fulfilling lives within their communities without fear of being ridiculed or committed. 1 Case Study 2 Many men are afraid to tell friends and family that they want to enter nursing as it leads to them being stereotyped as gay because nursing is seen primarily as a female profession. In June 2006, Andrew Moyhing won a landmark case against the NHS for sex discrimination. Mr Moyhing, 29 said, â€Å"I abandoned nursing because I was not allowed to do the job properly in a female-dominated profession. † 2 The NHS hospital that Mr Moyhing worked for as a student nurse refused to let him perform intimate medical procedures on women unless accompanied by a female chaperone. An article on nursingtimes. net states that currently male nurses only make up 11% of the female dominated sector and are four times more likely to be sanctioned or face discrimination by the NMC. Chaperone policies are in place in many NHS hospitals but they only relate to male nurses, a female nurse does not require a male chaperone to carry out an intimate procedure on a male patient but a male nurse requires a female chaperone. London NHS Trust did admit that the difference in treatment between male and female nurses was direct discrimination. Mr Moyhing claimed he felt he was being regarded as untrustworthy and a potential abuser of females or that the patient was likely to lie and make false accusations. Jenny Watson, chair of the EOC, said, â€Å"The Employment Appeal Tribunal was right to find that it was not acceptable to have a chaperoning policy based on lazy stereotyping about the risks to patients and assumptions that all men are sexual predators. † 4 The EOC said its research showed that one in four schoolboys were interested in caring work but only one in ten nurses were male. 5 Many organisations and websites are now appearing to offer a support system to male nurses whom maybe facing discrimination from their female work colleagues or bosses.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing Essay

With the unprecedented growth and spread of information, there is no wonder why large Information Technology companies have been investing in the â€Å"cloud†. To expand, when referring to Cloud Computing, this means to access and store information not stored with in your computer whether it be public, private, or hybrid cloud computing. In technological terms, the server you are accessing is somewhere else and therefore, the information and tools you are using are â€Å"up in the clouds† but more so stored in another server space. However, whether you are paying for services through software, total usage, or free usage (hence the types of cloud services) Cloud Computing seems to be everywhere. Yet, it is important to recognize what is to gain by using cloud computing from big businesses to individual users and what are some risky moves when utilizing cloud storage over the Internet. Hence, the content of this paper will discuss the pros and cons of cloud computing and where cloud computing is headed in todays online society. Discussion: Moving forward, large companies use private cloud computing on the grounds that it is far more affordable to store and run programs in a server space designed for processing, saving and running information applications and so on. The biggest noticeable advantages in cloud computing have to be the ease of running programs with out installing any new applications (since the provider installs it for you in their cloud), and payment depends on membership, and which billing method you chose; for example, monitored payment or a flat rate (Mitchell). However, there are competing companies such as Google Apps Marketplace, Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, Success Factors, and so on, that make cloud computing affordable on different user levels. These levels range from individual interest to larger company interests. For example, a company may need thousands of gigabytes worth of storage while I may need a few gigabytes of storage. So when paying for space I will be able to only buy what I need. Additionally, using the cloud allows a user greater mobility since an individual with an account can access the cloud from any computing device (laptop, desktop, tablet, or phone) that has available Internet access. More importantly, it’s easier for multiple users to access the same document and not overload the system and backs up data without someone having to worry about the location. Therefore, utilizing a third-party system server, Cloud Computing perks offer cheaper, reliable storage and retrieval of information. Figure [ 1 ] Although Cloud Computing sounds like a convenient service for businesses and users to take advantage of, there are downsides for paying or using cloud servers. Instances include, system shut downs for maintenance, access of data after canceling a membership, and more importantly privacy. Yet, a simple downside would be â€Å"What if someone uploads data into the cloud server and suddenly loses Internet connection?† The answer would be lost time and an incomplete data upload, not to mention the hassle of finding Internet connection again to access the cloud’s server only to attempt to upload the same work once more. On the other hand, looking back at the 2011 Google Docs incident, when an outage delayed user interaction for an hour starting in the UK and then reached the US (McCaney). Many organizations and people couldn’t access or exchange files via the cloud. So accidents happen, and although people lost out on time and information sharing, no files were reportedly lost. Even so, accidents including shutdown to outages, are rare natural occurrences, yet, inevitable for the current time. Not only are there outages to worry for also, according to Hamad Subani, he asserts that â€Å"Since most of the major Cloud Computing servers are operated by companies based in the United States, data you put on your Cloud is subject to American law.†   Which is also true since authorities only need to file a subpoena to get the information, yet, once information is shared warrants are needed and such (Subani). Hence, privacy is compromised, but to an extent. If someone is engaging in illegal file transfers on a cloud server, it already violates the consumer to provider contract; therefore a person is better off keeping their illegal activities to themselves. Other than that, cloud computing is relatively safe. | Cloud Computing Simplified| Pros| Cheap services, reliable, extra storage space, no worry about the server location| Cons| No privacy, and you must have internet access, maintenance. | After going through the pros and cons of cloud computing, it is necessary to analyze where such services are headed in the near to distant future. According to Brian Donaghy,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Market Research Media says the cloud market will reach $270 billion in 2012 and Gartner predicts it will be over the $148 billion mark by 2014, much greater than Forrester’s forecast of over $118 billion for the same year.† Without a doubt, cloud computing will continue to rake in the profits since increasing needs for IT services are inflating the cloud’s development. In perspective, social networks (like YouTube or Skype) outsource their work to cloud services to help store user data. More so, it seems as if digital life is linked to the storage systems of cloud servers. Think about it, with out a back up storage in the cloud, there wouldn’t be a free YouTube, Tumbler, and blogging would essentially be news posts by big businesses. Cloud computing will continue to advance in ways that further accommodates all online users. About the only disadvantage of this are those with out Internet connection, the people left out of the Internet community. However, for the time being, cloud computing’s growth in the United States and American websites using cloud resources, prove to be helpful in the spreading of information from social to private perspectives of data usage. Conclusion: Hence, it is evident that cloud computing will be growing exponentially so long as the Information Technology sector continues to be in high demand. Therefore it is up to the consumers individual needs to decide if cloud computing would help them keep tabs with their data usage online or if using their own memory on their computer is a better decision. On the other end, companies should use Cloud Computing servers as a cheaper form of Information Technology management. Especially since investing in a mainframe computer would be far more costly than having some other company do all the work for you for a smaller fee. Therefore, cloud computing will definitely be a primary factor in the growth and facilitation of online data usage and continue to revolutionize modern technology. Bibliography Bauer, Eric and Randee Adams. The Reliability and Availability of Cloud Computing. Hoboken: Wiley, 2012. Donaghy, Brian. Where is Cloud Computing Headed in 2013? 8 November 2012. 1 February 2013 . McCaney, Kevin. Google, Microsoft cloud crashes: Is this the new normal? 12 September 2011. 15 February 2013 . Mitchell, Bradley. What is Cloud Computing. 2013. 15 February 2013 . Mururgesan, San. â€Å"Cloud Computing: The New Normal?† January 2013. IEEE Xplore (digital library). 1 February 2013. Subani, Hamad. Ten Reasons Why Cloud Computing is a Bad Idea. 2 June 2009. 14 February 2013 . Weinman, Joe. â€Å"Cloudonomics: the business value of cloud computing.† 4 September 2012. WorldCat (database engine). 1 February 2013.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Syria War

President Basher Sad's aircraft dropped bombs on the market In Aziza, a town near the border with Turkey north of Aleph, killing 20 civilians. â€Å"It's enough! † shouts Abdullah Mahout Hajj Seed, standing amid a pile of rubble dotted with household possessions: d shoe here, a telephone there. â€Å"Does the world like seeing Syrian blood? ‘ Almost two years Into syncs uprising, now a full-blown civil war, misery and despair are growing across the land. Lockhart Abraham. The joint envoy of the UN and ArabLeague who is trying to mediate, is making no progress. A military solution looks far off too. Though rebel fighters coconut to make advances In the north and east of the country, Mr. Sad's forces are consolidating along the north-south axis from the capital, Damascus, to the coastal heartland of his Latter sect. ‘This is never going to end,† says a usually hopeful rebel commander trot the eastern province of Iraqi. The opposition fears that International s upport may be dwindling. Members of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, a political body termed in Qatar in November, grumble hat pledges of money have yet to be honored. It's unfair,† says a member. â€Å"We're told, ‘do this, do that,' but then the promises are never fulfilled. † The body has started to distribute money to activists on the ground and has created a committee to set about the creation of a transitional government. But patrons are 10th to speed up the flow of support because they are unsure where It will end up. Syrians opposition, despite the best efforts of the new coalition, remains patently fragmented. The rebels look mainly to Qatar and Saudi Arabia, since they, unlike the warier Western governments, do provide lethal aid, But they appear to be thinking twice too.Funds for rebel fighters continue to trickle in but at a far slower pace than expected. Saudi Arabia Is afraid that, were Mr. Sad to fall, the Muslim Brotherhood, which It loathes, might take over. Jordan, nervously eyeing Salamis fighters over the border, Is reluctant to let weapons across. Jam al-Ward. A member of the coalition who liaises with the rebel fighters, reckons that fewer than 20% of their weapons are being supplied from outside Syria; most, he says, are bought on the black market or have been captured from military bases.The fighters' morale has been dented and they are becoming still more fractious. Rebel units argue over their share of booty. A battle under way for six weeks to capture Naming military airport outside Aleph involves 13 different groups. None will want to go home empty-handed. The tighter sound increasingly hostile to the outs did world. A new rebel council is viewed as â€Å"a toy of the West†, says a fighter in Aziza. Divisions in rebel ranks are widening. Salamis fighters recently shelled Rasa al-Main, a Kurdish-controlled town, ender the eye of Turkey, which fears an upsurge of Kurdish nationalism.Looting and stealing are c ommon. â€Å"It's a mess,† says a disgruntled activist from the eastern city of Deer ex-Zorn. â€Å"The regime is killing, the Free Syrian Army [a main rebel front] is stealing, and we are suffering. † The plight of ordinary civilians is worsening. The UN says it is struggling to raise enough money to keep people alive. The British government has donated aid worth Meme ($mm) and America almost double that amount, but the results are barely visible on the ground. Everywhere Syrians are chopping down trees to get wood for heating and cooking.In this atmosphere, Jubbah al-Nassau, a Jihads group with its own evidently abundant sources of cash, has expanded its reach. In rural areas, people continue to support local fighting units, since they are made up of their sons, husbands and fathers. But in Aleph, Syrians commercial hub, and in Deer ex-Zorn desperate residents are increasingly turning to Jubbah al-Nassau, because it is the most effective group at hand, though many re ject its ideology. One rebel commander says that most totaling are preparing for a reckoning with Jubbah al-Nassau, were Mr. Sad to fall.Sensing a growing reticence among Western governments to bolster the rebels more wholeheartedly, Mr. Sad is digging in. Ousted from large swathes of the north and east, his forces are now concentrating on holding Damascus, Homos (the country's third city) and the coastal region. A massacre on January 1 5th in the village of Hashish, on the edge of Homos, is the latest in a chain of such attacks along this axis on villages of Sunnis, who make up the bulk of the country and its opposition.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Epidemiology Hepatitis B in Philadelphia, PA Essay

Epidemiology Hepatitis B in Philadelphia, PA - Essay Example Still there are chances that she had ovarian cancer. This implies that acolposcopy tests needs to be administered. According to Omansky (2010), this test is preferred for in abdominal Pap smear. Notwithstanding the cancer history and that of other family, the two tests administered, BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, are sufficient since she comes from a family where there are high chances of contracting breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Neil (2011) is of the opinion that a large number of women-more than 1%-are at a higher risk of developing either breast cancer or ovarian cancer. These statistics further shows that 39% of those who inherit the harmful BRCA 1 gene and 17% who inherit the BRCA 2 mutation will develop ovarian cancer at some point. This means that if Shelby takes the, BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, her vulnerability of developing either breast or ovarian cancer will be mitigated. It is also notable that Shelby’s uncle died of a proven case of pancreatic cancer. As such, Shelby could also be at risk of developing similar complications. For this case, I would recommend the normal screening to be conducted on the patient. Darity (2008) recommends that when analyzing cases of patients with predispositions of a particular cancer, the case should be taken as a matter of a confirmed case so as to take serious preventive measures. KANDIKO, and BLACKMORE (2012) supports this sentiment by declaring that diabetic patients and healthy individuals with first-degree pancreas cancer relatives are at a higher risk of developing pancreatic

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Bruce Tuckman Model Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Bruce Tuckman Model - Coursework Example She does not appear to have any interest in the workplace and she finds her work boring and therefore, she may come late to the office. Nevertheless, upon finding her work interesting, she takes to the next level of performance as noted in the case description. Still, the management has to give her more responsibility so that she can consider herself a valued member of the crew. For starters, the organization needs to make her a team-leader and ask her to be on time because now she will have a set of subordinates whom would look up to her for deriving inspiration (Salas, Rosen, & King, 2007). The female is a competent worker and one she will have a lot of responsibility under her belt then her behavior will get matured over time. Workers whom are trying to get away with laziness are of the view that they are equally important for the organization as her but they are apparently not so the management has to clarify by taking stiff action that not everyone is going to be tolerated with unacceptable work behaviors. Additionally, the champ has to be disciplined if her behavior does not improve in parallel to the increase in terms of her authority in the organization and then she will have to be put into progressive disciplinary action. On the other hand, my personal feelings are irrelevant regarding achieving an effective resolve of the situation. I personally feel that blessing her with adequate level of power in the company will have the ability to strait her abilities in a better way. The model of Tuckman is no doubt an important tool used for team building but the current problem is attached with trouble in normalizing the performance (Tuckman & Jensen, 1977). However, in order to correct the flaw, management has to step back and conduct a storming session in the headship of a troubled employee so that she can significantly contribute towards assigning roles and responsibilities to those who intend to serve under her. Conclusively, the proposed

Specificity and Sensitivity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Specificity and Sensitivity - Essay Example y of a given clinical test refers to the ability of a test to accurately classify those patients with disease while specificity refers to the ability of the test to correctly identify patients without the disease. Consequently, Lovallo et al (2010) noted that specificity and sensitivity are inversely related in that the higher the sensitivity in a test, the lower the specificity of the same test. Therefore, a test having high sensitivity and lower specificity will accurately indicate higher percentage of patients as having a disease while limitedly identifying patients without the disease. Therefore, the use of high sensitivity and lower specificity is best suited in screening a severe but curable disease. On the contrary, the second test with a high specificity and low sensitivity will accurately identify higher percentage of patients without the diseases but inadequately provide information on those patients suffering from the diseases. Therefore, in the case of a deadly disease that is curable, it is essential that clinical tests apply the first test since it will accurately identify a higher percentage of patients having the disease and hence facilitate mitigation of the disease. Prompt and accurate identification of individuals suffering from the disease will enable early detection and issuance of medical treatment. The screening process should hence apply test one. Lovallo, C., Rolandi, S., Rossetti, A., & Lusignani, M. (2010). Accidental falls in hospital inpatients: evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of two risk assessment tools. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 66(3), 690-696.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Importance of Management in an Organization Research Paper

Importance of Management in an Organization - Research Paper Example This report considers management as an asset and a resource to the organization putting forward an explanation on its importance to the organization. The report tries to provide a deeper and precise understanding of the management phenomena for the sustainability and the competiveness of the organization. Using a case setting of a health care and a medical service provider it is evident that management contributes greatly to the improved performance, efficiency and the competitiveness of the organization, this examination is based on the longitudinal study of this organization covering its key departments in which the concept of management is vital. The report provides the importance of management for a better organizational corporate environment attributed by good management. Finally is that the report justifies the importance of management in the interaction among the stakeholders organization which is crucial in determining the stability and the organizational future sustainability. Contents ABSTRACT 2 Contents 3 INTRODUCTION 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 9 Case Study Setting 10 RESULTS 10 The Perception of the Stakeholders 12 DISCUSS ION OF THE RESULTS 13 CONCLUSIONS 16 INTRODUCTION There have been ambiguities in the context of the concept of management in most organizations on its importance in the contribution to the improved performance and the overall success an organization. Most of the organizations notably both the profit and non-profit organizations have began to realize the importance of adopting best and improved management principles and practices in order to be able to establish themselves and to adapt into the current corporate environment. In regard to the principles of best management practices, management is widely recognized as the intangible asset and a resource of an organization which is the key factor towards the achievement of organizational sustainability as well as the competitive advantage thus contributing to the accelerating pace and the overall growth of the organization (Agarwal 2003). According to the various research provided by scholars, in the current corporate world the initial and traditional factors of production such as the capital, labor and land have become less important in the achievement of optimum positive economic and social returns without the incorporation of the concept of management. As the implication of this, it is notable that most of the organizations have concentrated in the investment and the creation of value and convertible economic results through the integration of management principles and practices while running the operations of the organization (David Knights 2007). The importance of management in the running of organizations has been acknowledged by most of the scholars and researchers as the major strategic resource management in the achievement of the organization competiveness and the organizational sustainability. The increased dynamicity, complexity and the complexity in the operations of the various organizations has sparked the interest and the need to adopt better and enhanced management. The key importance of managemen t is its purpose and role in the formulation and design of management strategies, these strategies are regarded as the essential corporate resource which provides the sustainability and the competitive advantage to the organization. The major part of the workforce is the presence of qualified employees who are well educated with the relevant knowledge and experience for the designated

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Women in the West Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women in the West - Research Paper Example There are groups of researchers that focused on the exploration of the recorded data related to the women in the west. The information presented the expertise of women in different fields such as in the different industries and arts. One of the characteristics of the women of the west considered of importance is the capability to dominate and to survive a work suited for the male gender. Based on the work of Sally Zanjani, the women had been attached to occupations that had been stereotyped for the gender such as â€Å"maids, laundresses, teachers† etc. Although this is the case even in the early 18th to 19th centuries women in small numbers are involved in different ‘male-dominated occupations’ such as being a ‘blacksmith, doctor, truck driver, rodeo champion and even prospector for mining activities’ (Adjani 7). In the light of the said information, it can be considered that the capability of the women of the west to succeed in jobs stereotyped for men is hindered due to the perceived limitations in terms of different reasons, one of which is the physical strength. This view can be related to the manner of dressing (e.g. corsets and dresses) and in carrying themselves with grace and finesse which is as also referred to as ‘cult of true womanhood’ (Zanjani 7). It can be considered that the west had been recognized as a region of courage and endeavor for both genders. This gave the chance to women pioneers and leaders to excel in different fields. In terms of the mining industry, one of the most important icons that represented women’s strength is Fermina Sarras. She is known as the Copper Queen who had been successful in the field dominated by the male gender (Zanjani 20). Other characteristics of the woman of the west are the inspiration and the vision. These attributes can be considered as the main reason that their hard work can compensate for their

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critique of a Local Newscast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique of a Local Newscast - Research Paper Example Staying with the theme of appearance, all of the anchors are physically appealing individuals. While they come from diverse ethnicities, it seems obvious that CBS2 is trying to present us with the most attractive individuals they can that hold to a very narrow standard of appearance. Everyone could be described as wearing moderately formal business attire with very similar hair styling regardless of ethnicity. Men had short hair, parted on the side and combed over. Women had hair of moderate length that was relaxed, framing their faces. Everything about the anchor’s physical appearance appears to downplay ethnicity and enhance uniformity and moderation. The news stories were primarily of local events. The lead story was about three individuals that were arrested in connection with a string of robberies. There was speculation that these robberies could be linked to a fourth robbery in which an individual working in the entertainment industry was murdered. The anchor delivered a lead and then a reporter in the field was featured. In the background behind the reporter, obvious police activity was occurring. A shot of a police car with lights flashing and officers milling around, talking with one another and some individuals that appeared to be detectives or crime specialists, provided the backdrop for the reporter.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Fall of the House of Usher Analysis Essay Example for Free

The Fall of the House of Usher Analysis Essay â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is a short story written by Edger Allan Poe in 1839. Almost everything about the story is very gloomy, dark and depressing. For example, the house is described by the narrator as â€Å"the melancholy House of Usher† and the description of Roderick Usher himself makes you think of a corpse. This theme of dreariness and sorrow pervades the story and is done to a very chilling effect, which really draws in the reader. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† has lots of necessary elements of a traditional Gothic tale: a dreary landscape, a haunted house, mysterious characters, etc. but for all of these elements, the vagueness of the story is a large part of the terror about it. One of the most interesting and endearing elements of this story is its mystery, the fact that Edgar Allan Poe, despite the brilliant description of the setting and physical features of the characters, doesn’t actually give us a lot of information about the characters themselves makes the reader ask a lot of questions: Why is the house in such a state of disrepair? ; If the narrator was a childhood friend of Roderick Usher, why doesn’t he know much about him – like the basic fact that he has a twin sister? Etc. Even the information that Poe does give us begs more questions than it answers, for example, the fact that the Usher family doesn’t have any collateral damage. This feeling of mystery really is a brilliant way of writing a story as it makes the reader want and indeed need to read on in order to answer the questions posed. Due to this, the reader will find it near impossible to put the story down which is definitely a credit to Poe’s talent and style of writing. The characters in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† are very intriguing as well. All three main characters are interesting in their own right and they all have at least something that makes them seem out of the ordinary. Roderick Usher in particular has certain qualities that are extremely interesting and make you want to know more about him. One of them is his appearance; he looks extremely strange and has a look about him that is not easy to forget. He is described as having â€Å"a cadaverousness of complexion; n eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison†¦Ã¢â‚¬  His appearance is especially strange because he had once actually been an attractive man and â€Å"†¦the character of his face had been at all times remarkable. † However, his looks have slowly deteriorated over time. He had in fact changed so much that the narrator â€Å"doubted to whom [he] spoke. † This fact of course then begs the question: What happened to make him change so much? The most obvious quality that makes you want to find out more about him, however, is his mental state. Throughout the story, Roderick displays obvious symptoms of insanity that the narrator picks up on from Roderick Usher’s behaviour: â€Å"In the manner of my friend I was struck with an incoherence an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome a habitual trepidancy an excessive nervous agitation. † The narrator is also an extremely interesting character. At first he seems to simply be a normal, educated man who has a good heart enough to come to the aid of his boyhood friend. However, as soon as he comes into the grounds of the house he becomes more superstitious: â€Å"There can be no doubt that the consciousness of the rapid increase of my superstition†¦Ã¢â‚¬  confused: â€Å"Shaking off from my spirit what must have been a dream, I scanned more narrowly the real aspect of the building†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and even starts to develop a certain insanity and hysteria of his own: â€Å"Rationally Ushers condition terrified, it infected me I felt creeping upon me, by slow yet uncertain degrees, the wild influence of his own fantastic yet impressive superstitions. This shows that, although he is an educated and analytical man, he is susceptible to other influences. He tries to suppress his fears and help his friend throughout the story and is successful until, at the very end, his fear finally overcomes him as Lady Madeline’s reappearance after her death is just too much for him and ends up driving him out the house. Edgar Allan Poe creates a sensation of claustrophobia in this story. The narrator is mysteriously trapped by Roderick’s lure and his need to help his friend. He cannot escape until the house of Usher collapses completely. The house, because of its deteriorated state and seemingly seclusion from everything else, seems to take on a monstrous character of its own—the Gothic mastermind that controls the fate of its inhabitants. Edgar Allan Poe creates confusion between the living things and inanimate objects by doubling the physical house of Usher with the genetic family line of the Usher family, which he refers to as the house of Usher. It is even said in the story that the people of the nearby village refer to both the actual house and the Usher family as â€Å"the house of Usher† which reinforces the idea that they are the same thing. Poe employs the word â€Å"house† metaphorically, but he also describes a real house. The use of description in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is incredible. The way Edgar Allan Poe uses the emotions of the narrator to enhance the descriptions of the house in particular really helps the reader to paint a picture of the setting in their mind. Personification of the house is used to aid in description as well, which definitely gives it a whole new dynamic and also ends up helping with the actual story being told. The house is described as having â€Å"eye-like windows† which would suggest that the house is like a face staring out at anyone who comes close to it. This really gives the story a new feeling and eeriness about it. Symmetry is a main feature throughout â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† and is also a very interesting and important theme. The first aspect of symmetry that we know of is when the narrator sees a reflection of the house of Usher in the tarn in front of it. The second is when the narrator notices a fissure running down the middle of the house itself. The two halves of the house and the house and its reflection seem to represent the two Usher twins, Roderick and Madeline. This idea is reinforced when the two siblings die together as, when they do, the two halves of the house crumble and so the reflection disappears as well. The inhabitants of the village calling the two entities by the same name â€Å"The House of Usher† represent this connection between the family Usher and the actual house of Usher. The Fall of the House of Usher† is a very interesting story that appeals to the modern day person as it undoubtedly did to the people who read it when it was first published. It is a timeless Gothic story that is extremely interesting and intriguing all the way through. There are some faults though such as the fact that the language can be confusing for people nowadays and it’s suggestions, nuances and hints may not be picked up on the first time around. However, it uses different and effective techniques of drawing the reader in and I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who appreciates good literature.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Do People Deserve The Death Penalty Philosophy Essay

Do People Deserve The Death Penalty Philosophy Essay What is capital punishment, and what do people do to deserve such a misfortunate fate? Capital punishment is the death penalty and is performed on criminals who have committed heinous acts of murder, rape, or a combination of the two crimes. When the words death penalty are used, it makes activists from opposite ends of the spectrum yell and scream, trying to make their voices and thoughts heard. Some people would say that using the death penalty deters criminals from performing crimes while others disagree and would say innocent people are killed needlessly with the death penalty. Regardless of the great debate, the death penalty should remain legal and be used sparingly on criminals who can be convicted and proven guilty without a reasonably doubt. The death penalty has always been a very touchy subject because of the moral obligations humanity has to the treatment of others and the obligation to the victims in acts of animosity. The death penalty was legal up until 1972, when the Supreme Court declared the punishment unconstitutional in Furman vs. Georgia (Liptak, 2007). In this particular case, Furman was burglarizing a home when the family members discovered him. In an attempt to flee, Furman tripped, and the gun he was carrying went off and killed a member of the house. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to death (Oyez Project, n.d.). However, the Supreme Court ruled that in cases similar to this one, like Jackson v. Georgia and Branch v. Texas, that the death penalty was a violation of the Eight and Fourteen Amendments which state that cruel and unusual punishment are unconstitutional. Four years later, the Supreme Court reversed the decision with Gregg vs. Georgia. Gregg was charged with armed robbery and murder whe n he robbed two men and gunned them down. Gregg was later found guilty and sentenced to death (FindLaw, n.d). The key difference between Furman vs. Georgia and Gregg vs. Georgia was that Furman fell and accidently killed while Gregg killed two men without mercy so that he could rob them. Because of Greggs actions, the Supreme Court overturned their previous decision, and the death penalty was reinstated. Despite the reinstatement of the death penalty, thirteen states in America do not have the death penalty. These states are Alaska, District of Colombia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Without the death penalty institutionalized in these states, they have a higher crime rate than the states that do have the death penalty ( Death Penalty Information Center, 1992). According to H. Naci Mocan, an economist at Louisiana State University, there is a deterrent effect on criminals who live in states that have the death penalty. Mr. Mocan, along with several other economists, conducted studies over the past decade and compared the numbers of executions in different areas with homicide rates over time. The conclusion these economists found in roughly a dozen studies is that for each inmate put to death three to eighteen murders are prevented (Liptak, 2007). In addition to preventing murders and crimes, states that have legalized the death penatly do tend to have a lower crime rate than states that do not have the death penatly. Nothing will completely deter someone from comitting a crime, however, according to Johanna M. Shepherd, a law professor at Emory, People do respond to incentives (Liptak, 2007). The evidence of such a powerful statement has been proven through numerous of studies conducted over the past decade. Although the death penalty provides incentives for people not to commit crimes, there are a few that are not capable mentally to understand their wrongs. It has always been a major concern of humanity activists that one day a mentally ill criminal may be sentenced to death. The existence of mentally ill criminals who do not comprehend the reason or the reality of their crimes is one major reason why the death penalty should be used sparingly if it is to remain legal throughout the states. It is all right for a jury to convict a criminal who is sane when there is no reasonable doubt. However, to convict a mentally ill person violates the U.S. constitution with the court case ruling of Ford vs. Wainwright. This ruling left the determination of insanity up to each individual state (Amnesty International USA, 1961). With a mentally ill criminal, there is no justice or satisfaction with the death penalty. Using the death penalty on someone incapable of understanding the extremity of his o r her crimes is like sentencing an innocent man to die. Instead of killing someone who could have no more understanding of the law than a five year old, the judge and jury should have the right to give the person life without parole rather than the death penalty. Although the death penalty was not used in The Leo Frank Case, the principle of convicting an innocent man to die remains the same. The Leo Frank Case began in Atlanta were a thirteen-year-old girl was found raped and strangled in a local pencil factory owned by a Jewish man named Leo Frank. Leo Frank was arrested and participated in a rigged trial were witnesses lied continually on the stand and convinced the jury, judge, and bystanders that Leo Frank was guilty without a reasonable doubt. Leo Frank was sentenced to death and hung in the hometown of Mary Phagan. Four years later, the real murderer of Mary Phagan was convicted and sentenced to death. According to old police files that never came into evidence in Leo Franks court case, a worker of Franks by the name of Jim Conley was proven to be the murderer when he confessed on his deathbed (Dinnerstein, 1966). Leo Frank had been an innocent man convicted to die because of poor judgment. Although the case happened many years ago, th e same poor judgment in our court systems continues today. That is why the death penalty should only be used when there is no reasonable doubt that the criminal is guilty of committing the crime. Life without parole is a much better alternative for an innocent man rather than killing him for a crime he did not commit. Because with the sentence of life without parole, the man could file for appeals and prove his innocence rather than his life being taken away to false witnesses or corrupted judges who have a second agenda. Although the death penalty has saved many innocent lives and given many people peace, the process should always be used as a last resort. The death penalty should be used sparingly because the process deters some, not all, criminals from committing crimes. According to the U.S. constitution, mentally ill criminals cannot be put to death. In addition, innocent people die by the death penalty and are never given a chance to prove their innocence. The death penalty will always be a touchy subject no matter how many years pass. However, although the death penalty saves lives and protects the interests of the citizens of America, the death penalty should be used sparingly and wisely because life without parole is always a better alternative than death.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Zero-Day Vulnerability Attack

Zero-Day Vulnerability Attack As Forensics Expert discuss the process involve in investigating Zero-Day Vulnerability attack Introduction The Internet became essential in this 21st generation and people can’t live without Internet. As the growth of the use of Internet, new technologies are also invented to support our life. However this new technologies may also exploit to the vulnerability attack. One of the vulnerability attack is zero-day attack (0day). A zero-day attack is an attack that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in a computer application, one that developers have not had time to address and patch.( Wikipedia, (2014)) The zero-day threat can be undetectable and unknown for most of the antivirus software and it is keep increasing in new form which try to hide itself. The incident handlers have to fight against this threat which may include both corporate and home users and security vendors. Once they found or discovered the new threat, they have to respond to it. In order to investigate and have better understanding to zero-day attack, research and pratices are carrying out. Different security researchers have different opinion and ways to handle the zero-day threat. Most of the incident response program will usually implemented using a aphased methodology. This is because by using phased methodology will allow the lifecycle of incident response to be break down into seperate managable components. However, there are two popular methodology which one is from SANS Institute and one from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Both the phased methodology are useful for handling incidents when zero-day exploits. The benefits of both the phased incident response plan and corresponding measures are they can detect and identify zero-day threat efficiently. 1. Phased Methodology 1.1 SANS Institute phased methodology SANS Institute phased methodology consist of six phases which include 1) Preparation 2) Identification 3) Containment 4) Eradication 5) Recovery 6) Lessons Learned (Murray,2007) 1.2 NIST phased methodology NIST version phased methodology consist of four phases which include 1) Preparation 2) Detection and Analysis 3) Containment, Eradication and Recovery 4) Post-Incident Activity (Scarfone, Grance, Masone, 2008) Both of the phased methodology have the similarity. However, the incident response team (IRT) may need to modify the methodology so that it can specifically to handle zero-day attack. From IRT, the phases that have most impact to zero-day incident response will be preparation, identification or analysis and containment. This three important phases is essential when handling incident response to zero-day attack. 1.3 Incident Response Team Methodology In order to deal with the zero-day threats, IRT have a methodology to perform proactively and reactively. The proactive will be focus to external threat when zero-day is known but haven’t any impacted to the organization. The reactive will be focus on how to response to the actual zero-day incident. This methodology consist of a cycle of three phases which are : 1) Monitor 2) Analyze 3) Mitigate The monitor phase refer to monitor the public resources which is still ongoing. This is to identify the zero-day threats. The analyze phase refer to analyze of the threats exploited which conduct in a lab environment. This purpose is to identify the potential threat that may impact to the organization. In mitigate phase, the information that gathered from analysis will be build and implement inside the mitigation mechanisms. 2. Three important phases 2.1 Preparation The two primary objective of preparation is to ensure incident response team (IRT) and sufficient controls to mitigate security incidents. (Scarfone,Grance,Masone,2008) First of all, IRT need to monitor on the Internet at all times to ensure the security. IRT should be able to react immediately to ensure the risk is mitigated. IRT need adequate controls to prevent and detect any possible attack. Besides that, this can be divided into two types of response which is external response and internal response. 2.1.1 External Response External response can include analyzing external advisories. This can help to gather the information about zero-day attack through 5W1H (what,where,when,why,who,how). How does zero-day works and exploits? What is the target is? When is the exploitation? Where zero-day exploited? Who get impacted by zero-day? Why zero-day attack such platform? The following methodology is for external response. Build an Incident Response Lab IRT can have a lab environment which consist of system that can simulate the role of attacker and victim. The lab should also include machine that have tools, interpreters and compilers in order to provide different types of source code files that related with zero-day. However, the victim machines should in exactly the same condition within that organization include operating system used. Monitoring to Public Resources Monitoring what happen to the Internet is one of the essential component in our daily life. IRT needs to be constantly monitoring and keeping an eye on new trends of attacks, public internet resources and any other security vulnerabilities. One of the well-known resources for notification is the SANS Internet Storm Center (ISC) ( The ISC monitors different types of public resources which included the logs from devices that used by businness and home users. Analyze the Threat Once a zero-day is found, IRT should able to reproduce it in lab environment to find out the impact level of it. This consist of few steps need to carry out. The first step is to review the targeted software or application, operating system or version of it. After that, all the settings and platform are set up so that it is applicable to the environment. The last step is to monitor the system and it should run a sniffer to capture all the packets. Once completed, the exploit is launched to attack the target. After the attack succesful, IRT can start to investigate and identify the threats include the ports use, payload size and others. Mitigation Once the threat is been analyzed, IRT should gather all the information and start to mitigate. All the ports that was used, can be checked and filtered through firewall to ensure that it is blocked. 2.1.2 Internal Response For the internal response, the following methodology is used. Monitoring Internal Log The log monitoring is an essential factors in secure network. All the information should recorded in log in order to trace back and secure the network. On eo f an open source platform is Alien Vault’s Open Source Security Information Management (OSSIM) ( Monitoring Suspicious Network Activity As most of the malicious are try to hide itself and traverse through the network, network activity logs is crucial. The network analyser should look for the malware propagation, command of communication and the network traffic. There are different types of tools that can be used to improve netowrk security systems such as Ourmon (, Bothunter (, Honeynet ( and others. Monitoring Host Activity In order to improve the monitoring, monitoring an individual systems can be also crucial to identify zero-day. This is because it attacks can be unnoticed, so host monitoring is important for indentification and detection. Some of the tools can used to identify anomalous activity such as Tripwire (, OSSEC ( and others. Malware Analysis and Collection In order to collect the malware and respond to it, some of the tools is needed to capture it. The IRT should ensure that they have the ability to capture and analyze malware. One of the best way to capture malware is using honeypots. Honeypots are used to identify new types of attack, track hackers and collect the malware. There are some tools that can be used as honeypots such as Honeyd ( Application Whitelisting Application whitelisting is popular used recently. It permits all known and safe production applications to run and install, but block all unkown applications. This will prevent any remote code execution. One of the benefit by using application whitelisting is it only allowed known trusted applications to run. On the other hand, the limitation could be malware injected itself into the whitelisting process memory. 2.2 Detection and Analaysis In order to detect and analyse, the following methodology is used. 2.2.1 Identify The IRT needs to identify the potential signs of compromise, gather events and investigate it. After gathered the information, it should analyzed and mitigated. The potential signs oof compromise may include strange log entries or network activities or any others anomalous activity. Besides that, end users are also can be indicators of suspicious activity. They may click suspect links, surf social netowrking sites and respond to phishing emails. 2.2.2 Correlate After all the information is identified and gathered, correlate events to investigate the source of the suspicious activity. All the connections should be identified in the netowrk logs and determine where is the source come from. One of the tools is Sysinternals ( used to gather system information which included incident response tools (Helix). 2.2.3 Analyze After the process is identified, it is going to analyze it. IRT should analyse all the suspicious process include the processes that hidden in Explorer.exe. As most of the times malicious are try to hide itself, IRT needs some trusted tools to identify and analysis all the processes. One of the tools that is useful to dump a process without killing it is Microsoft’s User Mode Process Dumper.( 2.2.4 Mitigate Once the processes is identified, in order to protect the mechanism, IRT should prevent it from executing. IRT should identified the child process launched, DLLs, and any related user information. One of the tools is CurrProcess by NirSoft ( This useful tools will show all the process information which include name, priority level, process id and memory usage. 2.3 Containment The purpose of the containment phase is to prevent any further spread of the threats or incident. Once the incident is been detected and analyzed, action should be taken in order to prevent any further damaging make by the threats. 2.3.1 Network Level Containment In network level, the best way is to block on network devices. While IRT identified the particular was zero-day, other systems may get infected too. It is important that to implement containment across the network. This is to prevent any incident from propagation from one system to another. 2.3.2 Host Level Containment In host level containment, the information gathered previously in detection and analysis phase can be used. First of all, IRT should kill all the running processes which related to the incident analyzed. After that, firewalls should be configured to disallow any incident traffic. In addition, anti-virus programs need to allow for custom anti-virus signatures to be created. This helps to detect and eliminate the new form of malicious. 3. Conclusion Zero-day threats are a big challenge to all the incident response teams (IRT). As long as there is a software vulnerability been exploited, IRT need to fix it immediately for secure purpose. IRT need to approach different types of methodology in order to prevent, analysis and mitigate the zero-day threat. However, by having all these of methodology, IRT can conduct the incident response to zero-day threat much more easier. References : Wikipedia, (2014). Zero-day attack. [online] Available at: Scarfone,K.,Grance,T.,Masone,K. (2008,March). Computer Securit Incident Handling Guide. Retrieved March 1,2011, from NIST Special Publications (800 Series): http// Kliarsky, A. (2011,June). Responding to Zero Day Threats. [online] Available at :

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Abandonment of the Jews by David Wyman Essays -- Jewish Holocaust

The Abandonment of the Jews by David Wyman â€Å"To kill the Jews, the Nazis were willing to weaken their capacity to fight the war. The United States and its allies, however, were willing to attempt almost nothing to save them† (Pp 5). If we would have put half as much energy into loving the Jews as Hitler spent hating the Jews we could have made a great difference. Wyman’s book, The Abandonment of the Jews was very intriguing to me. Although I found it very thorough it left me wanting to know how something this horrible could have been allowed to happen. Although Wyman does discuss why more was not done, I am still horrified that this was allowed to happen. Wyman proves that the US should and could have done more to help the dying Jews. I found a reoccurring theme to be that a large problem was that Jewish people had nowhere to go. No one wanted them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book begins by giving a brief background into the setting of America at the onset of the war. It details an anti-Semitic America. It also explains most of the anti-Semitism as passive, which ordinarily would do little harm, but during a holocaust crisis became a reason for America’s inaction. The book then jumps right into the emergence of information that became available. The first major report was the Bund report. This estimated the number of victims to already be over 700,000. This report and the ones to follow were hard to believe. The state departments skepticism kept the news from reaching the media for several months. They were convinced that the deportations were for slave labor even though this explanation has huge flaws. As more reports of the mass murders developed they were finally confirmed, 17 months after the first killing began. One of the first steps taken was that seven different Jewish organizations came together to form the Temporary Committee. They decided on 5 steps of action and after obtaining them they dissolved the committee without much accomplished. Some of the steps included press announcements, a national day of mourning, and a meeting with President Roosevelt. The committee wanted action but had prepared no proposals. All they left with from their meeting with FDR was an agreement that the president would warn Germany of war crimes. This was the only meeting FDR granted to Jewish leaders. In December 1942 the UN Declaration was signed by the 3 main allies... be able use this as an example and as a bargaining tool to convince other countries to do the same, but the small effort did not convince anyone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The War Refugee Board may have saved as many as 200,000 Jews, but it was in no way as effective as it should have been. The two biggest downfalls were that it was not funded properly and it was established too late.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sad fact is that during the time when humanity needed our help the most we let red tape, fear and greed keep us from helping. Wyman suggests many options that were available to help that would not have harmed our military effort yet we refused to try. We are now stuck with this burden of not knowing. Unfortunately they were not American nor were they British. Even worse they were not only foreigners but also Jews. Wyman suggests this is a huge reason why we were not willing to save them. After reading this book the conclusion to a pageant meant to inform Americans of the Nazi atrocities has stuck with me. The corpse of a people lies on the steps of civilization. Behold it. Here it is! And no voice is heard to cry halt to the slaughter, no government speaks to bid the murder of human millions end(pp91).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


SUCCESSFUL AFRICAN AMERICAN BUSINESS OWNER DAVID STEWARD CEO & FOUNDER, WORLD WIDE TECHNOLOGY David Steward grew up in a Christian home in a small town of Clinton, Missouri. As a teen, he lived through the racially tense ‘60s, attending segregated schools, sitting in the balcony of the movies, and being barred from the public swimming pool. David doesn’t harbor any negative feelings about having to endure those days, especially since his mother warned him against becoming bitter and resentful. He literally lived on the other side of the railroad tracks, but learned that division doesn’t work. Though his family had few material possessions, David believes he inherited considerable wealth from his parents because they taught him what was important: treating people right. David recalled homeless people stopping by the house. â€Å"No one was ever turned away,† he said. â€Å"I saw faith in action.† David also remembers his mother giving her lat dollar to the church. He knew that it was seed to be sown with the expectation of a harvest. These principles of sowing and reaping have stayed with him his entire life. David always had a lifelong dream of owning his own business. It was a burning desire inside of him. After college, he spent ten years in sales for three Fortune 500 companies. As the senior accountant for a major corporation, David was awarded Salesman of the Year and was made a member of the company’s hall of fame. They presented an ice bucket with his initials engraved inside. David looked inside the bucket and realized that it was empty. This was a defining moment; he asked himself is this what he really wants out of life. At the time, David and his family were living paycheck to paycheck, but David had complete faith in God. It was clear in his mind that his belief in God, coupled with the desire to work hard to serve others, meant he was destined to succeed. After many years and five failed companies, he finally figured out the secret to success, ‘treat people right.’ He launched Transport Administrative Services in 1987. The company’s purpose was to provide online automated transportation audit services to seven major rail carriers. He later decided to diversify his business interest by capitalizing the start-up of World Wide Technology (WWT) in 1990 on a shoestring budget and 7 employees. He wanted to be part of one the greatest revolutions that ever hit history, the information stage.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fifth Amendment Essay

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides, â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. The Fifth Amendment also refers to the practice of invoking the right to remain silent rather than incriminating oneself. It protects guilty as well as innocent persons who find themselves in incriminating circumstances. This right has important implications for police interrogations, a method that police use to obtain evidence in the form of confessions from suspects. The clauses incorporated within the Fifth Amendment outline b asic constitutional limits on police procedure. The Fifth Amendment is important mainly because it protects us from having our rights abused by the government. It protects us from having the government take our freedom or our property without convicting us of a crime. It also makes it harder for the government to actually convict us of crimes. By doing these things, it helps to protect us from a tyrannical government. The framers of the Fifth Amendment intended that its provisions would apply only to the actions of the federal government. However, after the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, most of the Fifth Amendment’s protections were made applicable to the states. Under the incorporation doctrine, most of the liberties set forth in the Bill of Rights were made applicable to the state governments through The U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Due Process and equal protection clauses of the fourteenth Amendment. As a result, all states must provide protection against double  jeopardy, self-incrimination, deprivation of due process, and government taking of private property without just compensations. The grand jury clause of the Fifth Amendment has not been made applicable to states governments. In 1966, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a groundbreaking ruling in the case of Miranda v. State of Arizona. That ruling found that the Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights of Ernesto Arturo Miranda had been violated after he was  arrested and tried for rape and kidnapping. The Fifth Amendment protects an arrested person from being compelled to be â€Å"a witness against himself,† or self-incrimination. Miranda signed a confession after hours of interrogation by the Phoenix Police Department. At no point was he informed of his right to remain silent or his right to an attorney. In Texas, the Court upheld the conviction of Genovevo Salinas, who was found guilty of homicide after prosecutors argued that Salinas’ silence during a police interview prior to his arrest was a very important piece of evidence and that only a guilty person would have remained silent when questioned about his connection to a crime. Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the majority opinion that Salinas â€Å"was required to assert the privilege in order to benefit from it,† even though a person questioned while under arrest could not have his silence used against him. The Rutherford Institute filed an amicus curiae brief in the case, arguing that a person’s refusal to answer police questions, even before arrest and before Miranda warnings are given, does not indicate guilt in light of the well-known â€Å"right to remain silent,† and exclusion of evidence of silence is in keeping with the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee that no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. Sources:

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hassan’s Story – A&P Case Study

Question A: Baru is using surface markings to identify the gender of a skull. What two major types of surface marking do bones have? Answer: Bone surface markings consist of a) Depressions and openings and b) Processes. Depressions and openings are areas that form joints or areas that allow passage of soft tissue, such as nerves, blood vessels, ligaments and tendons. Processes are projections or outgrowths on bone that form joints or attachment points for connective tissue, such as ligaments and tendons. Question B: Why are Liu and Hassan surprised to find a metopic suture on an adult skull? In which skull bone to metopic sutures occur? Answer: Soon after birth the right and left sides of the frontal bone are united by the metopic suture. Normally the metopic suture disappears between the ages of six and eight, so finding one on an adult skull would be surprising. Question C: What delicate skeletal structures are found inside the nasal cavity that might be missing from and excavated skull? Answer: Skeletal structures inside the nasal cavity that could be missing from an excavated skull would be septal cartilage, the vomer, the inferior nasal conchae and the perpendicular plate. Question D: How would Hassan and his team be able to tell the ages of the skeletal remains of the woman and the baby? Answer: Age can be estimated by examining the vertebral column. Average length for an adult female is around 24 inches; in an adult male it is approximately 28 inches. The total number of vertebrae can also help determine age. During early development there are 33 total vertebrae. This number decreases as people age because the 5 sacral vertebrae as well as the 4 coccygeal vertebrae begin to fuse together. Fusion of the sacral vertebrae begins between the ages of 16 and 18 and is usually completed by age 30. The coccygeal vertebrae fuse when a person is between the age of 20 and 30. Question E: What features of the vertebral column would the larger skeleton in the sarcophagus show to indicate is was female? Answer: In females, the coccyx points inferiorly to allow the passage of a baby during birth. In males, the coccyx points anteriorly. Question F: What bone in the neck region other than cervical vertebrae may be damaged during strangulation or neck trauma? Answer: The hyoid bone. Question G: If the bones of a person found at the excavation site were missed up and out of sequence, how could the anthropologists determine which vertebrae were cervical, lumbar or thoracic? Answer: Vertebrae in the different regions of the vertebral column vary in size, shape and detail. Question H: Why would bones, with their hard structure, be subject to and show signs of the disease that destroyed this community? Answer: Bones are/were living tissue, albeit, hard on the outside. Visually, they would still show signs of lesions and tissue damage, plus DNA can be extracted and examined to determine the specific disease a person may have died from. Question I: What structure passes through the transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae that would cause death if damaged as in the child’s skeleton? Answer: The dens, a peg-like process on the body of C2, could cause death if forcefully driven into the medulla oblongata of the brain.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain Essay

Sources A, B and C all give information about what happened at the battle of Dunkirk and about the evacuation. All three sources were written by British people which means that the sources could be biased or contain incorrect information. Source A was written by Commander Thomas Kerr, a naval officer sent to organise the evacuation. Since the naval officer is British we can speculate that the source is biased. Thomas Kerr starts off by saying â€Å"What a terrible night that was, for we had got hold of the odds and ends of an army, not the fighting soldiers.†- this suggests to us that it was a horrible night, the soldiers they had got hold of were like the leftovers from the battle, they were depressed, hungry and they had low morale we know that this could be true because in the DVD we saw in class called ‘The Finest Hour’, a documentary about the evacuation of Dunkirk from a BBC television series, we see soldiers like Peter Vaux who hadn’t eaten for 5 days and was very tired. This source tells us that they weren’t fighting soldiers which we can say is true because if all the suggestions above are true, we can truly conclude that the soldiers weren’t ready to fight. Thomas Kerr goes on to say â€Å"There were hardly any officers, and the few present were useless†- this implies that there were hardly any officers left because they could have been killed or captured during the evacuation, and for the ones that were their they were probably so taken aback by the events going on that they could no longer instruct. It could also tell us that the officers there were tired or injured, so they couldn’t do much. This could be biased because Thomas Kerr could be trying to make us think that the officers were useless to try and make him or other naval commanders look good. Thomas Kerr then says â€Å"but our promise of safety, and the sight of our naval uniforms, resorted some order to the rabbleâ€Å"- this tells us that the navy was promising the soldiers safety and that their ‘glorious’ uniforms resorted some order to the rabble, this can be seen as biased because Thomas Kerr is making us think that the navy was powerful and saying it as if though the navy were the leaders, he himself is a part of the navy and just wants to make them look superior and heroic. Thomas Kerr lastly says â€Å"Their faith in the navy was pathetic; we could only do our best.†- this suggests that the soldiers didn’t really believe in the navy that they thought of them as they did everyone else, it then suggests that they could only do their best. Overall, this source gives us a lot of information on what happened in the evacuation of Dunkirk although quite a bit of the information is biased, in favour of the British and the navy there is some truth in the source.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reverence for Life Essay

At the height of his career, Albert Schweitzer was considered one of the most influential men of his time. He inspired millions of people with his speeches of revelations of life and how fulfilling a human’s life can be. Decades later after his death, we look at the world and what is taking place. Amongst the some good on this planet, we still see destruction, death, and corrupt politics [at the very least in the United States]. In 3rd world countries where there are war motivated nations, along with other countries potentially bad ethics, perhaps it is time to reflect on Schweitzer’s words and thoughts during his life. In Africa, where humans and animals fight for their lives, is when Schweitzer had a revelation and came up with a philosophy that would change the way we look at the world. He accomplished this with 3 simple words, Reverence for Life. After coming up with this phrase on a boat journey up stream through the hearth of Africa, he came invented an entirely new philosophy. In its simplest form, Reverence for Life means that we as living creatures on planet Earth, are only sure that we want to live and keep on living. This is something that we share with everything else that lives whether it be, plants, animals, insects, etc. Because of this, anyone or animal or plant that lives on this planet is connected by this one amazing thing. Nothing, whether be race, skin tone, religion, should be more important than this will to live. The world has evolved through millions of years to bring and support life. Every living thing on the planet or even non-living is supported by the Earth. The difference between humans and the rest of all the living organisms is that we humans are the only species that recognize this. This revelation is very important to humans since we have the ability to destroy life or neglect life, even to cause suffering and death. Needless to say, humans have some responsibility here. It is true that some suffering and death is unavoidable. For example, killing cattle for food, or trees for wood. Even vegans or vegetarians must kill living plants for food. Reverence for Life is simply saying we must be aware of what we are doing. We must be aware of what we are doing, 9 simple words that have such a deep and meaningful impact on everything and anything we humans are doing. Politics has good and negative impacts on society. How we change the environment can have positive or negative impacts on not only humans, but the entire living world as well. Sometimes, we can be blinded on the bigger picture when we alter environment, for simple reasons such as shelter, money or greed. One very clear example of this is clear cutting. It is true that humans need shelter. But we must be conscious when we begin clear cutting millions of acres of trees in rainforests or other places. After taking classes like environmental science, one really gains an appreciation for the environment and how even minor changes to a small environment, can have detrimental consequences to the rest of the world. In the case of clear cutting, not only are thousands of species dying but surrounding environments change as well. Less oxygen for the world, more co2 in the atmosphere due to lack of trees eating the co2 is just one example of how the entire planet can be affected. This is just one tiny example but raises good points. When humans make a decision to say, clear cut trees, we must look at the bigger picture on how this is going to affect us. And we can learn from these decisions as well, maybe find an alternative source to wood to build houses or build desks made of wood. For Schweitzer, even the smallest form of life is incredibly important. The ethical person goes out of his way to avoid injuring anything that is living; he doesn’t tear leaves from trees or step on insects. He rescues worms stranded on a sidewalk after a rain. Schweitzer ethics say a person should be reluctant and think before going and do something simple as shatter ice. As some may say these ethics are a little extreme, but possibly we could learn from this to help us think of the bigger picture before humans go on with an action or a decision. This can apply in not just nature but in other aspects as well. Aspects such as governments, in Africa for example. Africa is one the most devastated continent on the planet. Suffering from war, famine, murders, genocide, and more one can’t help but think why it is like that and how it can be fixed. For one, before humans got there none of this was going on. We can only blame ourselves as humans for the action happening overseas. As governments are the leaders and decision makers of countries in Africa, it is there responsibility along with the rest of the human population to be aware what is happening in Africa and start working more aggressively to fix these problems. This being said, I agree with Albert Schweitzer Reverence for Life ethics. We must take responsibility for what we do when we take water from a stream, cook and clean with the water being taken, when we kill an animal, or when we as humans kill other humans. The key concept here is being aware of what is going on in our surroundings. Life is tender and amazing. Science tells us that the Earth is a very powerful yet sensitive planet. When we alter the planet or take form the planet, it is vital to be aware of re-actions to our actions so to speak. After all this floating ball of rock in space is providing everything we need to support life. Perhaps it is wise to take care and protect the limited resources and re-newable resources this planet provides us. Whatever it maybe, we have good reason to feel reverence for each other, other living things, and our planet and its contents.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Marketing Channel - Reverse logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Channel - Reverse logistics - Essay Example implementation and management of proficient, cost effective streaming of raw materials in process catalog, finished products and other information reversing from the consumers point back to the origin. This topic may as well include remanufacturing and renewing. Remanufacturing involves manufacturing of products that the company had manufactured while renewal involves renovation of already manufactured goods. It encompasses the sale of superfluous goods, other paraphernalia and machines that customers return to the manufacturer, and leasing businesses because of different reasons. Talking of logistics, we refer to the events surrounding the movement of goods from the producer to the consumer and reverse takes the goods at least a step or more backwards the supply chain.1 A manufacturer may produce a product which, through a supply chain, moves through the distributor to the consumer. Any other process after the sale of the product is reverse logistics; if the product is substandard of defective, then the customer would certainly return it. This would mean that a manufacturer has to incur shipping expenses to fetch the product, test the product, 2possibly dismantle the product, repair, recycle or even dispose the product. This means that the product reverses the chain of supply network for manufacturers to gain any use from the defective product. This has effects on the market and the overall business enterprise since most retailers consider products that their customers return as personally dislodged deals. The retailers have the main challenge in processing the returns at an expertise level for faster, proficient and money-making collection and return of the product3. The probability of product returns depends on the consumer requirements which end up aiding high service standards including accuracy and timeliness. Retailers can address all the operational and customer base retention issues in regards to merchandise returns through following the best

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia Essay

The Relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia - Essay Example The specific aspects of each character of the play as well as the relationships among these different characters have attracted critics to undertake vital studies which bring out essential truths about the play. Thus, the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia is one of the essential topics of discussion with regard to the characterization in Hamlet which can help the readers comprehend the influential aspects of the characterization in the play. There are conflicting views among the critics regarding the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia. While there is an important argument by several critics that the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia was true and a true love story, while another strong view which suggests that it was not true love story. There have been several complex elements in the character of Hamlet as well as Ophelia which make it even more complicated to understand the relationship between the two characters. Along with the complexities in the two characters, t he intricacy concerning the most important theme of the play, i.e. revenge, also make it difficult to make a straightforward conclusion about the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia. ... ctory references to the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia can never be resolved to the satisfaction of everyone May Shakespeare have been purposely ambiguous Hamlet is not a love story. Who first rejected whom is not crucial to the central dramatic issue. Polonius has ordered Ophelia to deny Hamlet access, and she says she has done so. Hamlet has said he would cut himself off from all normal ties, and Ophelia reports that he has, in effect, said good-bye to her, an implication that is confirmed by Hamlet's detached control at the opening of the Nunnery Scene." 1Therefore, it is significant to comprehend the facts about the true nature of the relationship between the two characters. This paper makes a reflective analysis of the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia which is essential to comprehend some of the fundamental aspects of the characterization as well as the overall plot of the play Hamlet. In the play Hamlet, the development of the characters has a major role in determining the plot and themes of the play and the relationship among the various characters is the central factor contributing to the credibility of the tragic elements in the play. Thus, the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia is the single most important factor illustrating the developments of the characters and characterization. There is essential love relationship between the two, though there are critics who disagree with this argument. "He [Hamlet] is in love with Ophelia, and the two lovers are in harmony with one another and with the purest and highest impulses of their own hearts. They are a pair of 'star-crossed lovers,' like Romeo and Juliet, who fell in an unequal strife, from the circumstances of the outer world. Hamlet struggles betwixt love and duty; his malady is as

Em Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Em - Essay Example This essay seeks to explore this concept of emotional labour with specific reference to the studies of Arlie Hochschild and Sara Jaffe. Following discussion will also scrutinize some important ways by which emotional labour affects workers and the relevance of this concept in the present business environment. Controlling personal issues to display the right emotions for customers forms the bedrock of emotional labour. This concept was first introduced by Hochschild in her book â€Å"The Managed Heart.† As the name of her book implies, emotional labour is about managing heart and not permitting personal emotions to burst at the seams in front of a customer. Inhibiting inner feelings and conforming to an external ideal to project a better image about organization is emotional labour. Some service industries require employees to treat customers nicely regardless of however rude or unreasonable the customer is being. In this case especially when an employee is already not feeling well but still attempting to be nice, rude customers can readily make things worse. Research suggests that being forced to manage emotions in such drastic situations can culminate in work stress. Such workers can get very detached from their real self and may also experience burnout as a result. Hochschild he rself addresses this worrisome issue by claiming that â€Å"the worker can become estranged or alienated from an aspect of self† (Hochschild 7). Jaffe is her article also points out that emotional labour makes female employees disadvantaged in a workplace. Instead of benefiting them significantly, the kindness or caring provided by women in care fields is taken for weakness. This kind of trend adds to exploitation of caring female employees (Harvey cited in Jaffe). Women are universally expected to display greater level of care for others and behave more kindly. They are expected to be submissive and disregard their personal issues.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Risk in a New Era of Catastrophes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Risk in a New Era of Catastrophes - Essay Example Florida is among the states that depict high probability of facing natural calamities. Insurers, in finding out the states that mostly fall victims of natural disasters, unveiled that Florida is leading in the category. This was via applying exceedance probability (EP) curves besides incorporating prediction models, which used Florida as an illustrative example (Wharton University of Pennsylvania 7). Additional states encompass New York, Texas and S. Carolina who constitute the similar category. Studies revealed a loss of at least $10billion incurred in the state where future predications showed an increase due to the augmented occurrence of the disasters. Furthermore, due to the current climate alterations, there is an increasing and evident trend of natural calamities, which sometimes their intensities are unpredictable. Global warming has greatly yielded to frequent climate anomalies threatening nations presently (Wharton University of Pennsylvania 4). These encompass hurricanes a nd tornados that lead to immeasurable property obliteration besides human deaths. Predictions by some assorted studies indicate that the trend of natural calamities may continue to augment, where the occurrence will be unpredictable, hence finding people unaware. Final stage anticipation regards the number of insured people. Studies indicate that citizens have diverse reasons that may compel them either to buy insurance or refuse to have any coverage. People’s arguments are diverse where some state that the insurance according to their income it is high-priced whereas others do not see the essence, since that is the mandate of a state, which it has to fulfill actively. Besides, those insured their coverage is insufficient especially when catastrophes occur. Since after the catastrophe, victims require numerous things besides medicine and food, in which agencies have to provide (Wharton University of Pennsylvania